All I need is everything
I sometimes feel like a television with the volume turned off. It's almost like most of the people around me only ever catch half of the message and the rest is filtered out. They catch the words but miss the spirit. Whenever I hear people say that they just want to be understood, it makes me think of this phenomenon. We spend so much time listening with our ears that we forget to listen with our hearts.
Tonight, I went to yoga with the hopes of bridging this gap (between the heart and head) inside of me. It was closed due to the snow. Damn.
Walking home, I thought about how the external world seemed to reflect my inner world. The cold and the bitterness had me retreating inside my jacket hood and was limiting my vision. With a block to go, I threw off my hood as a symbolic gesture. The snow didn't let up but I could see more of the world around me. Somehow, this also set my heart free.
Calm down. Be still.
We've got plenty of time to kill.
No hand writing on the wall:
just the voice that's in us all.
And you're whispering to me,
time to get up off my hands and knees,
'cause if I beg for it, it won't come.
I find nothing but table crumbs.
My hands are empty.
God I've been naive
~Over the Rhine
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