It takes a lot of love
I reconnected with an old friend the other day. Once upon a time, we were extremely close but somewhere along the line, we started to drift apart. A little at first and then a lot. At some point, we decided to go our own ways. Life happens.
I generally try not to morn the loss of things. Sometimes I think that our hearts ebb and flow like the tides and we do more damage when we resist these natural tendencies. People change. And as we come in and out of phase with people we care about, there will come times when you no longer see eye to eye. And even if it doen't end well, why should today's bitterness diminish yesterday's fond memories?
It takes a lotta love
It takes a lotta love my friend
To keep your heart from freezing
To push on till the end
It takes wisdom too, to let go when you have to.
A few months ago, I came across a picture of the two of us and a mutual friend in a bar in Calgary. All these memories came back of how T and I had both gone to visit different friends in Calgary and both ended up at Joc's place. It made me remember how the three of us had ditched Stampede in preference for hiking in Canmore one day and checking out the museums in Drumheller the next. We all used to be really good friends.
So, I did what any sane person would do. I the picture up where I could see it. After all, I wanted to remember the people who've helped shape me into the man I am now. So it didn't really come as a surprise to see T again, nor did it surprise me that we got along so well. If you ever have the opportunity to truly get close to another human being, do so. The bonds you will form will last longer than you know.
let go of your heart
let go of your head
and feel in now
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